


Video: ILL Company – ILL Session2

Chicago based crew ILL Company that consists of Bosco, SaveOne, Doomsday and FloRes are preparing to release their new project Born In The Shelter January 1st. Today we get to see their latest video for the...

Video: Alex Wiley – The Woods

Alex Wiley returns with the second video of his three part series with The Woods with direction from VisualMecca, watch as Wiley hits The Woods with his band and and his homies for some fun. Stay tuned for ...

Video: Chance The Rapper – Social Experiment

As the year comes to an end we have to congratulate Chance The Rapper for having an amazing year in 2013, single-handedly the best rapper from Chicago in 2013 (Sorry Kanye). Here's a quick video recap from ...

Casey Veggies & Rockie Fresh – Aladdin

New offering from Casey Veggies & Rockie Fresh today, Aladdin will live on their collaborative mixtape Fresh Veggies that's presented by Puma and drops December 16th. (more…)...