Son of a Beat is a hard hitting, soulful track by two of Underground HipHop's most talented emcees. Together, ILLUS and CHUUWEE, utilize the the mic to invoke the power of positive social change, and revoluti...
The video, directed by The ICU, captures Keith in a series of classic hip-hop landscapes – namely, dirty stairwells and New York City rooftops – surrounded by a host of full-body women. And while Keith doesn'...
Let us introduce E.D. Nix, rising artists from New Orleans, Louisiana who just released his new video directed by All Work/No Play Llc. Be on the lookout for more content coming from this talented artist....
Treated Crew take things to Another Level for this weeks's Treated Tuesday edition. Track produced by @CallMeMano and raps in order of appearance by the @TheSwopes @Sulaiman_ @PastorGzus @CallMeMano @MiCDaT...
This caught our attention when we it hit our inbox, very clever video and the song is pretty dope. This is the 7th video off Pavy's Middle Class Ignorance which is available at