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Lil' Wayne – Hot Revolver (No DJ)

First Kanye and now Lil' Wayne is trying to do something different with Hip-Hop. I'm still trying to get use to this rock/Hip-Hop that Weezy is trying to do....Any thoughts on this new style by Lil' Wayne? Dow...
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Jay-Z – When The Money Goes (CDQ + Download Link)

Brand new Jay-Z track, I'm hearing this track was supposed to be on the American Gangster soundtrack but didn't make the cut. No matter what I think it's hot! Download Here : Jay-z - When The Money Goes (CDQ) ...
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New Tracks By Lloyd Banks, Havoc

Loyd Banks - "Holy Matrimony" Havoc - "Watch Me" Lil' Wayne - "Prom Queen" Lil' Wayne - Prom Queen ------> Download Here...