The crowd went crazy when Beyonce brought her hubbie Jay-Z to stage this past Saturday at Madison Square garden. Watch the fan video after the jump.....
TMZ reports:
Chris Brown has copped a plea in his assault case. He won't do jail time, but he will spend 6 months doing things like road cleanup. He's also been ordered to stay 50 yards clear of Rihanna.
Will.I.Am looks to cool to beat up a dude like Perez who likes to run his mouth. After watching the footage provided by TMZ of the actual altercation, you can see Perez call Will.I.Am the "F" word and then th...
So I tuned in this morning to B-96 Chicago where Perez Hilton calls every morning to give his gossip news and he sounded like he had taken a beatdown. I had a feeling he was exaggerating and it wasn't as seri...