This dude is addicting, with production from 1500 Or Nothin’ Asher drops the official single for his sophmore album. DOPE!!!
DOWNLOAD: Asher Roth - G.R.I.N.D (Get Ready It’s A New Day)...
New banger from Pharoahe Monch produced by Diamond D and featuring Mela Machinko Off W.A.R. (We Are Renegades) which is set to drop soon!
Pharoahe Monch - Shine ...
I said The Bawse has been dropping nothing but heat lately and his Teflon Don is becoming one of the most anticipated albums of this summer. Here's the Jay-Z track that everyone was waiting for, didn't mess w...
At first I didn't think this was real, but after I heard Kweli's verse I'm convinced its for real...Kweli murdered this track!!
DOWNLOAD: Gucci Mane Feat Talib Kweli – Poltergeist...