

ACE B8gie x LEGIT – The Divine

ACE B8gie teams up with LEGIT over some nice production by Plainro to bring us The Divine, expect new projects from Ace and Legit’s to drop later this year. (more…)...
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Video: eGo Jaleel – Problems

eGo Jaleel releases his latest video for the C Sick produced problems directed by Cholly of High Vision Films. Watch as eGo gives a spirited performance along side Bop King DLow who's had the internet going...

VISUAL – F#@$ A Party

VISUAL sent over a hot track this evening with a sick beat from Loose Cannon, listen as VISUAL drops knowledge and expresses his angst to the fullest letting the people know he doesn't have time to party wh...

Mixtape: Lil Herb – Welcome To Fazoland

The wait is over, one of the most highly anticipated projects out of Chicago arrives. Hosted by Don Cannon Lil Herb releases his debut mixtape Welcome To Fazoland. Tracklist, stream and download below... (...

T.I. – Drunk In Love [Remix]

Kanye jumped on Drunk In Love this past Friday and now T.I. does the honors and drops a verse on the hit single. Listen and download below. (more…)...

Kanye West – Drunk In Love [Remix]

The second round of Yeezus tour kicked off yesterday and today Kanye blesses fans with some new music a he jumps on Beyonce's hit single Drunk In Love to drop a hot verse. This is dope.  (more…)...

Video: Bruza The General – Don. C

Bruza The General pays tribute to one of Chicago's most influential individual of our generation Don. C with his latest video named after him. Check out the video above and be on the lookout for his upcomin...