Atlanta based lyricists Boog Brown and renowned producer, Apollo Brown team up once again. The duo first collaborated on the enthralling mixtape The Grind Season Vol. 1, a tantalizing sample of what was to com...
Kanye and Twista team up again for Hustlaz, this will be on Twista's next album and DJ V-Dub was the first to get his hands on this one as you can hear by the tags. The track will be featured on DJ V-Dub's up...
Hot New Mixtape From Naledge From Kids in the Hall, Illroots present his next solo mixtape, the well rounded Twenty Something with DJ Moondawg. A really great project with features from Freddie Gibbs, Sk...
DJ Moondawg has been promoting this mixtape this past week heavily around the net, now NR got their hands on an exclusive leak from Naledge Is…TwentySomething that's scheduled to drop this Friday on select bl...